1) When things don't add up. When you look at an image and you see lines and blurs that don't match up, you can usually tell something is a fake. Or if the colors of objects and then tone of another don't add up then it's obviously a fake. If something is lighter than another object it is a fake. Sometimes people try too hard and are trying to cathc themselves in a mistake and can't see a lot of obvious things. Or if something looks as if it is layered onto something else to make a blending effect then it is a possible fake.
2) In my opinion you can trust the images in the media to be fake becuse they always are claiming to be real, when they are all fake and are trying to make up the newest fads in the world. They are almost always fake because those people are really vein and will usually try to hide their human side to try to look better than other people.
3) The only case where photo manipulation is o.k is when you are trying to clean something up so that kids won't see the terror going on. This is the only reason photo manipulation is right because it's trying to hide somehting like a murder victim or horror movies real aspect when you know children are going to end up watching it.
It is wrong when you are trying to sell your product to people because they then you are lying to people to get their crappy rpoduct out there. If it actually worked then you wouldn't have to go around boasting that your rpoduct is the best at whatever it is supposed to do. If it really is better, word of mouth will spread and your product will be number one because of results and not just because you paid somebody to tell the world that its the best at what it does, let the rpoduct speak for itself.