A) From the reading…How do you know when an image is fake? Fiete cites 7 different ways to identify fake images. Explain 2 different techniques.
From the reading there are seven different ways Robert Fiete cited to identify fake images. One way I can tell an image is fake is by the inconsistent shadows, colors, or tone. These are indications that an image has been altered. Another way I can tell an image is fake is altering an existing image that was captured by a camera. An existing image can be altered by changing the context of the image, such as claiming that an image of a lampshade or changing the content of the image, such as superimposing. For example, when a picture is taken in a dark room it provides an advantage in adding and removing people or background from images taken by a camera.
B) In your opinion…Can you trust the images you see in the media? Why or why not?
In my opinion, I have to say no. The reason I said no is because from the reading “Photo Fakery” by Robert Fiete’s I have learned that not all images we see in the media are real. The images we see are in a way retouch or manipulated. Though some images we see are not clear to either if they manipulated or retouch, I learned that people who are experts with programs such as Adobe Photoshop can easily retouch and manipulate the images that we can not tell if they fake or not. From the reading Robert Fiete mention that “some people generate fake images for profit, selling pictures of alien, a ghost, or an alien ghost of Elvis to the tabloids.” This said that the reason people generate fake images is to get a profit.
C) In your opinion…when is photo manipulation “OK” and when is it “WRONG”? Explain ONE situation in which photo manipulation is acceptable, and ONE situation in which it is NOT.
I believe it is OK to manipulate images when you are trying to retouch it to make it better. For example, in cover magazines most celebrities don’t look as good as they do on the magazines. So what people do is after they taken the picture of the celebrity, they would transfer it to the computer and edit it with programs such as Adobe Photoshop. The reason people retouch the images are to make the celebrity look better and to get people interest in the magazine. That’s why the most important thing about a magazine is the cover. It is wrong to manipulate images when you are given false statements about a particular image to what its actual meaning or when you trying to hide the truth from the public. For example, the used of images in propagandas are wrong.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
blog 4

(a) WHY do you think it was altered? (what about the image makes it look altered) the lighting in this picture looks really fake
(b) WHO was the target audience? any one who likes really expensive cars and plans on buying one.
(c) WHAT is the impact/intention of the image? to sell the car
(d) WHERE did you find the image (include the URL)? on google
A) From the reading…How do you know when an image is fake? Fiete cites 7 different ways to identify fake images. Explain 2 different techniques.
From the reading Robert Fiete cites 7 was to identify if an image is fake. One way to tell if an image is fake is if the images shows inconsistency in the shadows, coloring, and tone. When an image has shadows that are inconsistent with other shadows in the picture. Also if there are changes of color in the picture then that shows that the images has been altered. Another way to check if an image has been altered is that if it has inconsistent geometrics. For example all parallel lines in a scene have a vanishing point. If an image in a scene doesn't have a vanishing point that means that the image has been altered.
B) In your opinion…Can you trust the images you see in the media? Why or why not?
In my opinion it is ok to manipulate an image when you are using it to create your own art. This would be an ok time to manipulate images because you are only doing it to express your creativity. It is wrong to manipulate images when you using it to deceive and trick people. One example of this would be advertisements. These are wrong to do because they use all sorts of techniques to make the product look really good but, in reality when you get the product it looks really different then the way it was advertised.
From the reading Robert Fiete cites 7 was to identify if an image is fake. One way to tell if an image is fake is if the images shows inconsistency in the shadows, coloring, and tone. When an image has shadows that are inconsistent with other shadows in the picture. Also if there are changes of color in the picture then that shows that the images has been altered. Another way to check if an image has been altered is that if it has inconsistent geometrics. For example all parallel lines in a scene have a vanishing point. If an image in a scene doesn't have a vanishing point that means that the image has been altered.
B) In your opinion…Can you trust the images you see in the media? Why or why not?
In my opinion you cannot trust any images that you see in the media because they are all altered. All image in the media have been altered. All the advertisements that we see on television and in magazines have been altered so the companies can show their product in the best possible way. Then when you actually buy the product you see that it is different then the produc t that was advertised.
In my opinion it is ok to manipulate an image when you are using it to create your own art. This would be an ok time to manipulate images because you are only doing it to express your creativity. It is wrong to manipulate images when you using it to deceive and trick people. One example of this would be advertisements. These are wrong to do because they use all sorts of techniques to make the product look really good but, in reality when you get the product it looks really different then the way it was advertised.
DONOW 2 : section 05
Reply to this post with a COMMENT :
1) When is it OK to manipulate images?
2) When is it WRONG?
1) When is it OK to manipulate images?
2) When is it WRONG?
Blog 4: Image Manipulation
(a) WHY do you think it was altered? (what about the image makes it look altered)
Her skin looks fake because it has no pores and it is really clear.
(b) WHO was the target audience?
Women becasue only women wear make up.
(c) WHAT is the impact/intention of the image?
The impact/intention of the image is to imply to women that wearing makeup will give women skin like the women has.
(d) WHERE did you find the image (include the URL)?
I found the image at http://www.fashion-planet.com/sept98/features/facing_fall/dior.jpg
Monday, October 23, 2006
Blog 4: Image Manipulation
(a) I think the image was altered so people would believe that the product actually works, and would therefore buy it. What makes it look altered is that although the camera is so close, the model has little to no visible pores on her face, which is impossible in reality.
(b) The target audience are gullible people with really crappy skin, and who want to look beautiful.
(c) The intention of this image is to make people think that this product will clear up your skin, and make you look purdy.
(d) This image was found on a web page that displays different Neutrogena ads.
Blog 4

A. I believe this image is altered because if you look closely at the image you can see the face is perfect. When you look at the image you can’t see any pores or pimples. If you look at the hair you can see that every hair is in place. You can also see the colors in the image are very bright.
B.I believe the target audience is women that wear make up.
C. The intention of the image is to make women make their make up. They are telling women that if they buy that make up, they look like the girl in the image.
D. I found the image in this website http://www.jedroot.com/makeup/sa/articles/art/sephora-01.jpg
Blog 4: Image Manipulation

I know for a fact this image has been altered because I created it last year for my history class. I altered this image to promote anti-violence. The target audience for this image were teenagers. My intentions for the impact of this image was to make people think about what is going on to the world and how the violence needs to come to an end.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Blog 4: A Maniplulated or Retouched Photo

a) WHY do you think it was altered? (what about the image makes it look altered)
I think this picture was altered because of the different images manipulate to form a more powerful picture to show the event that is concerning. For example, in this picture you can see the World Trade Center blended in with the American flag and the Constitution, while the Statue of Liberty head is blended in the stars of the American flag. With these pictures put together we know the message that it is being said; in this case the message is about the tragedy of September 11 terrorist attacked on America killing innocent people.
b) WHO was the target audience?
I think the target audience for this picture is more about the American people; especially those who lost their love ones in the disaster of terrorist attack. This picture is dedicate that we will always remember and honor those who risked their lives to rescue the people and the death of the innocent people.
c) WHAT is the impact/intention of the image?
The impact of combining these images into one is because when they are formed as one picture it creates a more powerful image in showing a better understanding for the viewer. For example, if you only had an image of the American flag your first thought would be it symbolize America, but if you add in the World Trade Center, the Statue of Liberty, and the Constitution it creates and symbolize a different meaning. Now instead of symbolizing for America with the American flag, it symbolize the tragedy of September 11 terrorist attacked on America with the three other images added to the picture. The intention of this image is to show the remembrance of the tragedy happen on September 11, 2001 what U.S. has gone through.
d) WHERE did you find the image (include the URL)?
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