Thursday, April 12, 2007
Legacy Term 3 IP
What is legacy?
This terms IP is on legacy. Legacies are things that can be meant for people to remember events in history. The legacies that people leave behind to have others remember then or someone else important. Legacies can be depicted through bloggs, articles, and videos. For my IP I will try and define the word Legacy, tell why people leave their legacies behind, and tell a legacy that I can leave behind.
The word legacy does not have just one definition in fact there are a plethora of different ways to define it. There are many opinionated versions of the definitions. One definition is a gift of property, esp. personal property, as money, by will; a bequest. A legacy is not only money and objects it can be much more. Personally when asked to define the word legacy I would say it is something left behind for people to see in the future and learn from. A legacy can be for example a website dedicated to something such the website left for many to see about the 911 victims.
There are other websites dedicated to people such as the people from hurricane Katrina that weren’t found that maybe alive. another website that will live long after people are gone is . This is a website dedicated to black entertainment.
Other types of legacies can be shown through blogs.
When I die I want everyone to remember me as a funny outgoing person who loved to have fun. I want everyone to know who I was. I don’t want people to really sit back and mourn me I want them to celebrate my life. I guess my main legacy would be people memories of me. A memory is a legacy that no one can take from you. Another type of legacy I would leave behind is movies. Movies that depict certain aspects of my life and certain things I’ve done. Some of my legacies will be pictures of me, videos of me. I would like to make a website to show everything there is to know about me.
In conclusion legacies are shown by bloggs, websites, and articles. The definitions differ. Al legacy overall is a memory or commemoration to someone or something that will be seen long after it took place. A legacy is a lesson being taught and being learned. Here I hope I have shown some of the definitions used for the word legacy, the types of legacies people leave behind for others, and what legacy I would eave behind. Legacies are very cool and I think that people learn a lot from them.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
A Legacy is anything handed down from the past, or something inherited, such as something from an ancestor. This can be accomplished by leaving behind something that represents you. For example, music artists leave behind their legacy, as their music continues to be heard around the world even after they are deceased. Another way to leave behind a legacy is with use of the internet. The internet has become a way to express yourself, and tell others your story. So, by using things like blogs and creating your own website, your story is forever held in the World Wide Web.
First, by browsing the internet on a blogging website called, I came across a woman's online website On her ongoing blogging page, she describes things that are presently happening in her life. This includes pictures of events and places she has visited. She gives brief descriptions of her days and about books that she has read with her personal opinions and comments about them. The woman, who calls herself Katydid, moved from
Second, while browsing more blogs from people around the world at, I came a across an artists page by the name of Mika As described on his page, Mika is a “Japanese-Canadian contemporary folk artist” who’s work is displayed around the world. On this website you can find samples of this artist’s current works, that include the title, picture, and brief description of 21 of the artist’s paintings. The artist has this page on the blogger website, to give himself more exposure and share his passion with the world. Hobbies are also a big reason why people use the internet to leave legacies.
Finally, when I am gone, I too would like to leave a legacy. I want people to remember me as a kind, respectful, driven individual who tried her best to be a good person in a world that can bring you down. How will I leave this legacy? By continuing to volunteer, with images, videos, and online blogs of my volunteer projects posted online. By doing this I will inspire those who see my form of media online, to help those in need as well.
In closing the internet has become a huge way to stay connected with people around the world. Not only does it allow you to stay in touch with those familiar to you, but also helps you connect with those you don’t. By leaving your legacy online, either through blogging, images, or video on the internet, a part of you is left for others to see, and maybe even appreciate what you find in your life to be important.
Thursday, April 05, 2007
The Meaning Of Legacy
The reason why I think many people leave their legacies online because they would want people in the world to know who they are and what they went through during there life time. Also I think that people leave their legacies online because it is a simple way to pass on stories to the viewers to portray their lives which would be able to stay online until it is removed. I believe that internet legacies will never be removed and will remain on the internet due to its importance.
One example I found of legacy someone that left online is a blog about things that happen to this person daily states that “No word processing, lots of bad spelling and the aim is to share my expertness with my friends, family and loved ones and the combination of all these groups”. The blog was created by the author using an online blogging website called The second example I found of someone that left their legacy online was a website that was created for the victims of September 11. Most likely the author created this website in a remembrance for the victims of Sept 11 and to be a memorial for them and also so that the stories of what happen that day will never be forgotten.
In media seminar we have used the internet to leave our own legacy so that other classmates and other people around the world can view my thoughts and opinions. We used many tools to better our ideas for our blogs. Some of the tools we used was Macromedia Flash, Adobe PhotoShop, Blogger (an internet blogging site), and many others. Some of the things I would like and would want to be able to leave behind are pictures, videos, and stories of my accomplishments and the most important things to me that I have received in my life. It would be good because I would want my family (pertaining to the next generations) to remember me so that they could know who what a type of person I am.
In conclusion I believe that people leave their legacy online because it will be present of a long period of time or there forever. So there fore I know that if I put my legacy online then it will remain available forever and will be available for all my future generations and others around the world to view and talk about. These are the reason why I would like to leave my legacy online. Will you leave yours?
Online Legacy
The legacy I want to leave is my work and how creative I was in my work. I wont other people learn from my work when they see it. I want them to know that I wanted to become a computer engineer when I grow up and I want to learn how to play the guitar. I wont them to know that I had to work hard to get were I am today. I want my teachers to remember me for the quality of work I did and how I acted in class.
What I can put online so that everybody can see my legacy is my work from high school. My work form high school can show how I grew as a student and what the quality of my work was. I can also put pictures that I did my self to show how creative I was. Then I can put pictures of me as a baby all the way to when I am a grown up to show how I matured. Then I can write a biography of my self to describe who I am and were I am from.
People leave online legacies’ so every body can see their love one that was lost. Like people who died in the war or a cancer patent that died. There are a lot of Legacy websites that you put tributes and info about a love one. Like that has thousands of legacies of people who died and there families put there biography online. An example of a online legacy I saw was Beauford H. Clayton and D’Angela Michelle Gilbert.
D’Angela Michella Gilbert legacy was made as a tribute to her when she died. She was born on June 25th 1984 and she died 2006. The online legacy was made with music photos and text with a Moving Tribute. Beauford H. Clayton was another online tribute to him it had music, text , photos, and Moving Tribute. They were all made in Adobe Flash player and were made on 2005.
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
IP 3: Media and Legacy
Legacy is defined as anything handed down from the past, as from an ancestor or predecessor. With the invention of the internet, people are now allowed to create online legacies. There are many methods and online tools to do this. People can blog, record videos, create online photo albums, or web pages about the legacies they want to leave behind.
People feel the need to leave online legacies because it’s a way for them to be remembered, or something for them to remember in the future. For example, Rachel’s Random Revelment ( published in November 2006, was blogged by Thepinkangel. Thepinkangel used Blogger ( to create her legacy. lets Thepinkangel share her legacy of photography and important events in her life. Another legacy is a photo album by Gardawind ( Gardawind created this legacy by using flickr (, an online photo album tool. Garawind’s legacy will be remembered by the people who he impacted with his photos.
In Media Seminar, I’ve blogged online, scanned photos, and recorded videos, which are methods of creating an online legacy. If I were to create a legacy online, I would want to focus on the experiences in my life. I would tell accomplishments such as getting the Honor roll three terms in a row, or being inducted into the National Honors Society. Maybe people will become inspired by accomplishments work harder to reach their goals. I would tell people about my dreams and aspirations, for example, college and my goals beyond. Also, I would tell about lessons I’ve learned so people in the same predicament I was in can learn from my experiences.
When I create a legacy, I want to be remembered by my family, friends, and future generations. I want to be remembered as someone unique, intelligent, and funny. In a way, I want people to laugh at my legacy because it would be filled with jokes and the humorous trials and tribulations of my growing up as a teen. I don’t want my legacy to be prestigious or legendary; I want the people viewing my legacy to be able to relate to me as much as possible; sort of like having a buddy from beyond the grave. I can create this legacy by blogging my personal thoughts and major experiences in my life. I can take pictures of myself or things that are important to me so others can gain a sense of who I really am.
In conclusion, online legacies are used to share a piece of yourself with other people. People viewing your legacy will be able to take something away with them, ideally spreading your legacy to other places. The best thing about online legacies is that the Internet will be around for a very long time, and therefore your legacy can live on for future generations to view.
Thursday, February 15, 2007

- What are your goals beyond high school? Describe one (a) social goal (b) professional goal (c) academic goal ?
Social goal: I want to go to college get my degree and than later maybe get married
Professional: I want to be an Doctor or an Social worker
Academic goal: I want to go college and take criminal law or other things.
According to the FUTURE image you made, how do you picture yourself in ten years?
According to the image i made i see my self as a doctor and helping little kids with probelms they have.
- According to the ANIMATION you made, how have you changed and how have your transformations affected your future goals?
Looking at the animation that i have made i think that i have changed alot Physically and Mentally because the way i used to look than now i don't look like that. This animation has affect my future goals because i have a different thought about what i want to be now than when i was a little.

¢ I see my self living in New York in a apartment with my girlfriend as a room mate
Professional Goal
¢ I see my self interning at Dell.
Academic Goal
¢ I see my sell at college trying to get my masters or my PhD.
I see my self living in a house with my girlfriend driving a Mazda Rx8.My professional Goal is computers engineering.
In my animation I changed physically because no I am bigger and more mature about things. No that I am mature I am going to do mature things like get a education so I can get a job so I can support my self in the long run.
Friday, February 09, 2007
Past, Present, Future Transformation

According to the animation I made, the way how I have changed is physically and maturely. The way that I see how the way I have transformed in my life is for the better in me so that I will be able to complete any task that is put in front of me to the best of my abilities.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Past, Present, Future Transformation

c.) According to the animation I made, I've changed a lot over the years. Over the years, I've gotten older, and my future goals have slighty progressed in maturity. When I was a kid, I always wanted to be a Power Ranger. Stop laughing. When I got a little older, I wanted to be a chef. Later on, I wanted to work with computers, and now I want to be a doctor, if I can get over my squeamishness.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Past present and future transfermation
what are your goals beyond highschool? Describe one (a) social goal(b) professional goal (c)- One social that i want to do beyond highschool is to have a nice with a beautiful family in a safe neighborhood. My professional goal is to own a big business and to become a very wealthy man so i can give my family all the things i could afford. My academic goal is to graduate from Columbia College with a PHD.
According to your future pic how do you see your self in 10 years? - I see myself in 10 years playing basketball in the NBA with all the great players winning the championship.
According to the ANIMATION you made, how have you changed and how have your transformations affected your future goals?
My transfermation have changed my future goals because now I am more determined than before and wont let anything get in the way of my goals.
"Past, Present, Future Transformation"
b. I picture my self as a Physical Therapist, potentially owning my own business.
c. As a littlre girl I was very energetic, as I still am, and I was also very young and didnt know anything. As I grew older i learned more, I've become, some what serious.

Past, Present, Future Transformation

- What are your goals beyond high school? Describe one (a) social goal (b) professional goal (c) academic goal. (a) My social goal beyond high schools is to hopefully go to other third world countries and try and help the people out over there. (b)
My professional goal in the next ten years is to get a job making at least One Hundred Thousand dollars a year. (c) My Acadmeic goal beyond high school is to graduate from college and have a master degree. - According to the FUTURE image you made, how do you picture yourself in ten years? According to my future image my goal is to become a surgeon.
- According to the ANIMATION you made, how have you changed and how have your transformations affected your future goals? My animations showed my that I grew up a lot and it showed how i matured. These animations affected my future goal because they made me want to achieve them more then ever now.
Past, Present, Future Transformation

2) According to the FUTURE image you made, how do you picture yourself in ten years?
3) According to the ANIMATION you made, how have you changed and how have your transformations affected your future goals?
Friday, January 26, 2007
Past, Present, Future Transformation
Beyond high school my social goal is to continue to volunteer helping little kids to become successful in school. In order for me to help little kids successful in school, I have to be successful myself. As a result, my academic and professional goal is to attend a four year college in Boston majoring in computer engineering or mechanical engineering.
2) According to the FUTURE image you made, how do you picture yourself in ten years?
According to the future image I made, I picture myself in ten years to be working in a field with computers with a degree from college.
3) According to the ANIMATION you made, how have you changed and how have your transformations affected your

According to the animation I made, I notice I have change a lot from a playful little kid to a more mature and a professional student. My transformation will affect my future goals because this transformation will input the characteristics I am and my ability to work in my future field.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
technology design and communication
2) Do you think visual forms of communication (image based) are more likely to reach and impact viewers worldwide than other forms of communication? Why or why not? , I do believe that visual forms of communication (image based or more) are most likely to reach and contact viewers all over the world better than other forms of communication because most people are to indolent to read especially if what they are reading doesn’t jump out at them or if it is boring. In the article it states, "The article was only a paragraph long accompanied by a small photo showcasing a brilliant orange crumbling carcass of a home. Yet it was powerful" (Goulet 1).
3) Do you think that people who are adept with technology and skilled in visual design have a responsibility to use their skills “to create awareness or peace or social change using imagery”? No, I do think that people who are adept with technology and skilled in visual design have a responsibility to use their I only think they should have the responsibility to use their skills if they begin to tell about something. In that case it is their jobs to finish what they start and do it to the best of their ability.
4) How could your "Make a Statement" image (Project 1) "create awareness or peace or social change"? I think I could have done a way better job with my image. I was trying to warm people about the dirt cops . to be honest and criticize myself if someone were to look at my picture they would know what to think. I think them essage I wanted to tell was deep.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Technology, Design, and Communication (IP 2)
2) Do you think visual forms of communication (image based) are more likely to reach and impact viewers worldwide than other forms of communication? Why or why not? Yes, I do think that visual forms of communication (image based) are more likely to reach and impact viewers worldwide than other forms of communication because most people be to lazy to read especially if the font is small. In the article it states, "The article was only a paragraph long accomplained by a small photo showcasing a brilliant orange crumbling carcass of a home. Yet it was powerful" (Goulet 1).
3) Do you think that people who are adept with technology and skilled in visual design have a responsibility to use their skills “to create awareness or peace or social change using imagery”? No, I do think that people who are adept with technology and skilled in visual design have a responsibility to use their skills "to create or peace or social change using imagery" because they may or may not be comfortable showing their skills and they may not have a computer at home or have a library card to show their skills.
4) How could your "Make a Statement" image (Project 1) "create awareness or peace or social change"? My "Make a Statement" image (Project 1) can make awarness by saying Immigrants should or should not work in America. My image can help people realize that they are taking the jobs of people who are born in the United States not be able to get a job.
Technology, Design, and Communication (IP2)
- How can current communication tools and techniques be used to bring attention to the political, economic and social issues of today? Identify 2 tools and how they are used.
Current communication tools and techniques can be used show and bring attention of the social, political and economical issues of the world because today there are more than one way of communicating so it can be through photography the internet/blogging, PSA’s etc.. Two communication tools that are used today are like I said before photography and blogging. Now and days we have the internet and most people have access to it in some way or another and a lot of people blog things on the internet to let people be aware of something. Also photography has been around for years and like they say a picture says a thousand words so pictures are a powerful way to bring attention to someone. - Do you think visual forms of communication (image based) are more likely to reach and impact viewers worldwide than other forms of communication? Why or why not?
Yes I do because pictures are powerful especially pictures that have not been manipulated. Sometimes all you can do is look at a picture to tell a story. - Do you think that people who are adept with technology and skilled in visual design have a responsibility to use their skills “to create awareness or peace or social change using imagery”?
Yes I do because they are equipped with those skills so they should use them to promote awareness - How could your “Make a statement” image (Project 1) “create awareness or peace or social change”?
My “Make a Statement” image could create awareness and social change because my image show a comparison between the holocaust and the war in Darfur and how even though the world promised of never again it is happening again
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Technology, Design, and Communication
2) Do you think visual forms of communication (image based) are more likely to reach and impact viewers wordwide than other forms of communication? Why or why not? In some ways I do think that visuals are more likely to impact viewers depending on how strong the visual is. If it isn't appealing then it probably won't get as much attention. In my opinion another good form of communication that could also draw a lot of people's attention is music, because it is so universal. Everyone listens to music and you don't necessarily need to buy the music, you can just listen to the radio.
3) Do you think that people who are adapt with technology and skilled in visual design have a responsibility to use their skills "to create awareness or peace or social change using imagery"? Yes and no because not everyone has 24/7 access to technology. But if they do and they feel strongly about an issue then they should use there skills to bring attention to the topic. This all depends if that person feels like visuals are the best way that they can get their point across.
4) How could your "Make a Statement" image (Project 1) "create awareness or peace or social change"? My "Make a Statement" image could create awareness for AIDS/HIV becuase it basically speaks for itself. It could help people come to a realization that people are dying becuase of this disease and not just small amounts of people, millions. Which means that people need to start protecting themselves, before they end up with the disease because it isn't a joke. It could happen to anyone and you could end up one of the numbers in the statistics.
Technology, Design, and Communication (Term 2 IP)
- How can current communication tools and techniques be used to bring attention to the political, economic and social issues of today? Identify 2 tools and how they are used.
Current communication tools and techniques can be used to bring attention to the political, economic, and social issues of today. Two communication tools that are used today are blogging/message boards and photo's. In todays we have access to computer and the internet were we can express how me feel about the world and post it on the internet where the whole can see. Photos are used these days to show what is going on in the rest of the world and can create awareness. - Do you think visual forms of communication (image based) are more likely to reach and impact viewers wordwide than other forms of communication? Why or why not? I think that visual forms of communication that are image based are most likely to reach and impact viewers worldwide because images can be interpreted in many different ways. As we all know a picture is worth a thousand words meaning that one picture can inspire some you in a different way then a person who is also looking at the same image. Image based forms of communication can reach a more wider audience because the materials needed are easy to get a hold of and they are easy to distribute.
- Do you think that people who are adapt with technology and skilled in visual design have a responsibility to use their skills "to create awareness or peace or social change using imagery"?
I think that people who are adept with technology and skilled in visual designs have a responsibility to use their skills “to create awareness or peace social change using imagery” because just like artists who create paintings or musicians who create songs it is their responsibility to spread how they feel about the world through their skills. - How could your "Make a Statement" image (Project 1) "create awareness or peace or social change"?
My make a statement image creates awareness or peace or social change because it directly shows a conflict that is currently happening. It proves to the reader that this is something very serious. Also my image also creates awareness because the information I researched for my image is based on actual facts and its not based on
Technology, Design, and Communication
2) I think images help more because people are always imagining things in their heads. Even when they are reading they are imaginging things in their head so images would be a great way to make an impact on the people who view it.
3) I think people with those skills are just responsible to a degree to create awareness of big issues because they have the skills at their disposal to really make a difference in a community. But it is also the peoples responsibility to look around them and listen to the people who are trying to make them aware of things that are making life on Earth worse than ten years ago or even yesterday.
4) My "Make a Statement" project could create awareness for people who don't think before they beat someone because, maybe they are only seeing it from their own point of view and not the point of view of others that get the same treatment. Maybe they only see it as their way of escaping their own pain and not thinking, that when they are escaping their pain they are inflicting not only physical pain on the abused but also emotional and mental damage no matter how long they are getting abused.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Technology, Design, and Communication (Term 2 IP)
2) I think visual forms of communication are more likely to reach and impact viewers worldwide for example, it's easier to emphasize with someone on a picture when you can see what they're going through, as opposed to reading about it. You can read an article about someone suffering, but you won't feel as bad as if you've seen a picture of the same person suffering. Alice Rose George says it best when she says "People see a picture long before they read. It influences how they understand (what they read)" (Goulet 1). An example is how the author of the article, Nancy Goulet, responds to a photo she sees "Is he contemplating? Is he caught in a fantasy? A memory? What have those beseeching eyes seen during his short life to leave such a haunting expression" (Goulet 1.) The photo was obviously very effective in causing Goulet to experience emotions and thoughts.
3) People who are adept with technology and skilled in visual design are free to use their abilities however they please, but they should realize how valuable of an asset they would be to helping a cause , or getting a point across. I wouldn't say they have a responsibility to use their skills to create awareness or peace, but they should acknowledge that their skills could make a huge impact in the world. Those who choose to take on the responsibility of being a photojournalist "have the responsibility to execute a message and make the message much more powerful" (Goulet 1). Photojournalism can be a very rewarding career, for example, Edward Burtynsky, a photojournalist, won the TED prize, and "was awarded a $100,00 purse and granted resources and support for three wishes to better the world" (Goulet 1).
4) My "Make a Statement" project can create awareness or peace or social change because it brings up an important issue: lack of free health care for those who don't who don't already have it. It makes people without health care wonder if they should be receiving free health care. More specifically, US citizens who don't have health care should be really influenced by my statement. After all, why should the live in a free country, and not receive free health care? The purpose of my statement was to "was to compel you to creating awareness of a situation you pass by everyday without notice" (Goulet 1). Referencing the article, my statement had a "strong, clear and consistent voice" (Goulet 1). I conveyed my message clearly and simply. My statement could cause US citizens who don't have free health care, and are eligible for it, to become aware of this problem, and actually try to receive health care.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Technology, Design and Communication
- How can current communication tools and techniques be used to bring attention to the political, economic and social issues of today? Identify 2 tools and how they are used.
Today communication tools and techniques such as blogs and photographs are just some of the forms of communication used to bring attention to the political, economic and social issues. Blogging is a way to express one emotion and thoughts to the public. Blogging is a way that public from worldwide can be read daily. Another tool and technique is photograph. Photographs are a way that canb apply a message and awareness more powerful than texts. Not saying that text is bad, but photograph is in a much better way to raise awarness. As in quote, "The design objects itself can work as a statement with impact that gets people to pay attention, to think, to notice, to act, to donate." "Imagery is such an integral part of design; they are hard to seperate. The skill is in the editing. Photographs grow close to their subject matter which does not always make for a subjectively great image that involves the viewer. A good designer is a skilled visual editor." - Do you think visual forms of communication (image based) are more likely to reach and impact viewers wordwide than other forms of communication? Why or why not?
I believe visual form of communication has similar effectiveness as any other forms of communication. Though these different types of communication are similar they all have one intention and that is to raise awareness or convey a message to the public. Throughout all, I do think in a way visual forms of communication are more likely to reach and impact viewers wordwide than other forms of communication. The reason is because visual forms are a way to express one emotion, thoughts, and has a bigger impact on the public than other forms of communication. For example, a poster, a banner, website, etc. are all decorated with visual to catch the public awareness. In texts people will simply ignore it and walk away, but woth visual you can at least draw their eyes toward you. As Nancy Goulet mentioned, "The article was only a paragraph long accomplained by a small photo showcasing a brilliant orange crumbling carcass of a home. Yet it was powerful." What this means is that though the photo is small compare to the paragraph, the photo itself have sum up the whole meaning of the paragraph. - Do you think that people who are adapt with technology and skilled in visual design have a responsibility to use their skills "to create awareness or peace or social change using imagery"?
I believe that people who are adept with technology and skilled in visual design has the responsibility to use their skills to create awareness or peace or social change using imagery. The reason is because everyone has a purpose set in mind as to what they want to do before they essentially do it. In the case of imagery, if the person does not have the mind set as to what their message they want to bring out such as awareness or peace or socail change one can not possibly create an image. As in quote from Alice Rose George, "Photography, like words, needs to be sequenced, ordered and placed in context in order to convey the emotional, visual and aesthetic." What this means is that a photograph is much like words that has a powerful message to create understanding and awareness for the public. So that's why I believe people who are adept with technology and skilled in visual design has the responsibilty to use their skills to create awareness or peace or social change. - How could your "Make a Statement" image (Project 1) "create awareness or peace or social change"?
In my "Make a Statement" project some of the things that I have included are a chart of the number of dropouts by race/ethnicity, an image of a graduating student, and an image demonstrating some of the careers student would want to pursue in. These images raise consciousness by showing the effects of students that today more and more students are dropping out of school. With teh lack of education one will never be able to pursue in the careers they wish to do. As a result, to provide a change to lessen the number of dropouts, I created this collage with the statement, "Stay in School"to show students that if they stay in school and get an education they will be able to pursue in their careers.
Friday, January 05, 2007
Make A Statement

1. Who is your target audience? (global, Americans, neighborhood community, TBA community, etc.)
The target audience that I am trying to attract is neighborhood communities. I’m really trying to attract as much people’s attention as I can.
2. What do you want your audience to do (action) or know?
I want my audience to take as much action as they can take. I want my audience to take action by trying to make a change in the communities.
3. Why is this topic important to you?
This topic that I did is important to me because it is affecting our communities, and our world. Some people think that they can just treat children anyway they feel like treating them. But they can’t because a hurt child doesn’t only hurt the family it’s self but it does hurt people’s community. It’s so important to me because I enjoy working with young children. Seeing hurt children that I enjoy working with is hurtful to see them hurt so badly.
4. Do you think you were successful in getting your point across? Why or why not?
I do think that I was successful in getting my point across.
5. Include the URL of where you got your image from.