A) From the reading…How do you know when an image is fake? Fiete cites 7 different ways to identify fake images. Explain 2 different techniques.
There are seven different ways Robert Fiete cited to identify fake images. One way I can tell an image is fake is by the inconsistent shadows, colors, or tone. These are clues to tell you that an image has been altered. Another way I can tell an image is fake is altering an existing image that was captured by a camera. An existing image can be altered by changing the context of the image, such as claiming that an image of a lampshade or changing the content of the image, such as superimposing. For example, when a picture is taken in a dark room it provides an advantage in adding and removing people or background from images taken by a camera.
B) In your opinion…Can you trust the images you see in the media? Why or why not?
In my opinion, I can't trust the images that I see i the media. I can't trust it because the photos that are in the media are always being retouched, for instance Make- up ads. My proof is www.campaignforrealbeauty.com.
C) In your opinion…when is photo manipulation “OK” and when is it “WRONG”? Explain ONE situation in which photo manipulation is acceptable, and ONE situation in which it is NOT.
I my opinion, photo manipulation is only ok when you are taken school pictures of and type of picture and you have scares or acne on your face and it makes your picture UGLY. It is not ok to do photo maniplulation when an image is going to be in the media's eye. Like, pictures of celebrities who are on ads because it is not showing the public what you really look like and it is not giving the targeted audience the right information about the product that they are trying to sell.